DISO Meaning
Last Updated:What does DISO mean?
DISO means Desperately In Search Of.
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DISO is an initialism that stands for “desperately in search of”, a term often used in online gaming communities but also on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. It is similar to the term ISO, which is often used on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.
Where is DISO used?
DISO is primarily used in online gaming communities. In particular, it is often used by players of MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) games such as World of Warcraft, RuneScape and similar games.
The term is also used elsewhere on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as in text messages.
DISO is used on the follow platforms and places:
- texting
- online conversation
- Discord
- Facebook Messenger
- Twitch
- YouTube
How is DISO used?
DISO is used to tell other that you’re in need of something. In a game, for instance, your health may be running low and you only have a short period of time to find some sort of potion or healing thingy, so you’ll ask others if they know where you can find one.
Do people say DISO out loud?
No, but people do say that they’re “in search of” or “looking for” things.
Example Uses of DISO
I'm DISO more ammo, does anyone know where I can find some?
A player is asking other players where he can find more ammunition because he is running low.
I am DISO better hiding spots, can anyone help?
A player is asking other players if they know of any good hiding spots in a game.
On Facebook:Hello, I'm DISO a cheap and dependable car I can use to get to and from work. Does anyone have something for less than $2500? Thank you!
A Facebook user asks others on a neighborhood Facebook group if anyone is selling a cheap and reliable car.
On Facebook:I'm DISO a good wedding planner since our last one was arrested. Please let me know if you know someone!
Someone asks their Facebook friends if they know of any good wedding planners.
On Twitter:We're DISO a good copywriter to help with a new site we are launching. Pay is competitive!
Someone tells their Twitter followers that they're hiring a copywriter for a new business venture.
Who uses DISO?
DISO is mainly used by MMORPG gamers who communicate with other players via online chat, but it is also occasionally used by non-gamers who are looking to purchase something or find a service.
History of DISO
First Use
We can’t say when exactly DISO was first used, but it was first defined on Urban Dictionary in 2006. We suspect it was first used by player of one of the early popular MMORPGs like EverQuest, which would have been around 1999.

Rise in Popularity
The term has fluctuated slightly in popularity over time, according to Google Trends. Searches for DISO had been slowly declining until around May 2014 when there was a sudden increase, possibly due to the release of The Elder Scrolls Online.
What was used before DISO?
Before DISO, people probably just typed “I’m looking for” or “in search of”.