CTHU Meaning

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What does CTHU mean?

CTHU means Cracking the H*ll Up.

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CTHU Meaning
Find out what CTHU means and how it is used.

CTHU is an initialism that stands for “cracking the h*ll up” (or “cracking the heck up”) often used to express amusement in response to a message, comment, photo or video.

The term is similar to CTFU, though it does not seem to be as popular.

Where is CTHU used?

CTHU is used in a variety of places online, including in chats, private messages, comments and forum posts. It may also be used in text messages.

CTHU is used on the follow platforms and places:

  • texting
  • online conversation
  • Discord
  • Facebook
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
An example of the initialism CTHU in a text message.
An example of the initialism CTHU in a text message.

How is CTHU used?

CTHU is used to express amusement and to show others that you found something funny. It may be used after someone tells a joke, after someone sees a funny meme, watches a funny video, etc.

Do people say CTHU out loud?

No; they’re usually too busy laughing.

Example Uses of CTHU

In a text message:
Did you see that new comedy special on Netflix?!? CTHU 🤣

Someone asks their friend if they watched a funny new comedy show.

In a text message:
CTHU did you see his hairline?

Someone making fun of someone else's hairline.

On Facebook:

A Facebook status talking about how the comedian Chris Rock makes them laugh.

On online conversation:
CTHU 😭😭😭 laughing so hard it hurts

Someone responds to a joke their friend made.

On Twitter:

Someone discussing who will win an upcoming boxing match.

Who uses CTHU?

CTHU is used by a lot of different kinds of people; there really aren’t any specific people that seem to used it more than others.

History of CTHU

First Use

While we can’t say for sure when CTHU was first used, we suspect people began using around 2009, which is the same time that CTFU was started being used.

Data from Google Trends showing the popularity of searches for CTHU in the United States.
Data from Google Trends showing the popularity of searches for CTHU in the United States.

Rise in Popularity

According to Google Trends, Google searches for “CTHU” follow roughly that same trend as searches for CTFU.

What was used before CTHU?

Slang terms such as LOL and LMAO we used long before CTHU.