CTFU Meaning
Last Updated:What does CTFU mean?
CTFU means cracking the f*ck up. It could also mean cracks the f*ck up.
On this page:
- Where is CTFU used?
- How is CTFU used?
- Example Uses of CTFU
- Who uses CTFU?
- History of CTFU
- Other Definitions of CTFU

CTFU is an initialism that stands for cracking the f*ck up (or crack the f*ck up). It is very similar to the much more popular acronym LOL in that it’s used to express amusement or show that you found something funny.
Where is CTFU used?
CTFU is primarily used in texts or online conversations.
CTFU is used on the follow platforms and places:
- texting
- online conversation
- Discord
- Facebook Messenger
- Snapchat
- TikTok
- Twitch
- YouTube
How is CTFU used?
CTFU is used to tell others that you found something funny. It is often used as a response to someone who says something funny. It can also be used in a comment as a response to a funny photo, video or meme.
Do people say CTFU out loud?
No! They just laugh!
Example Uses of CTFU
Did you see how funny that cat video was? CTFU 😂
Someone asking another person if they saw a funny cat video.
Dave Chappelle can have me CTFU even on the worst day!
A Facebook status about a comedian. Even when they are having a bad day, this comedian can make them laugh.
In a text message:Classmates texting each other about something someone said to the teacher.
On Instagram:You're really gonna wear that? CTFU!
Someone making fun of another person's poor fashion choices in an Instagram comment.
On Instagram:CTFU! This killed me 😂😂😂
An Instagram comment on a funny meme post.
On Discord:I was CTFU at what you said earlier to Jay. I never laughed that hard in my life!
A message about something funny that someone said.
Who uses CTFU?
CTFU appears to be used more often by younger people.
History of CTFU
First Use
We don’t when exactly CTFU was first used, but it was first posted to Urban Dictionary in 2005 when it was said to mean “cracks the fuck up”. Another addition was added in 2008 that defined it as “cracking the f*ck up”, along with several more in 2010. According to Google Trends, searches for CTFU began around 2009.

Rise in Popularity
According to Google Trends, searches for CTFU increased dramatically from 2011 to 2012, peaking in 2013.
What was used before CTFU?
Before CTFU, people often just used LOL or typed “haha”.
Other Definitions of CTFU
CTFU can also mean:
- cracks the f*ck up
cracks the f*ck up
Basically the same thing as “cracking the f*ck up”.