CL Meaning
Last Updated:What does CL mean?
CL means Craigslist.
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CL is an abbreviation that is short for Craigslist, a US-based classifieds website that people typically use for buying and selling things locally.
Where is CL used?
The abbreviation is often used in text messages or in online chats when people are talking about Craigslist (or about something for sale or something they’re selling).
CL is used on the follow platforms and places:
- texting
- online conversation
- Craigslist
How is CL used?
CL is used as an abbreviation for Craigslist. For example, if someone is talking to their friend about something they’re selling on Craigslist, they may just use “CL” or “cl” instead of saying “Craigslist”.
Do people say CL out loud?
No, they just say “Craigslist”; it is the same number of syllables, so it doesn’t really take longer to say.
Example Uses of CL
Someone asks their friend if they saw a truck for sale on Craigslist.
A friend says he bought a PlayStation 5 from someone on Craigslist.
In a text message:Someone asks their friend if they ever sold a car on Craigslist.
On Facebook:If you ever get your bike stolen, be sure to keep checking CL.
Someone gives advice about finding a stolen bike.
On email:Hello, I saw your post on CL. Is the TV still for sale?
Someone responds to a Craigslist listing asking if an item is still for sale.
Who uses CL?
There dosen’t seem to be any one group of people who tend to use CL more than others.
History of CL
First Use
We don’t know when exactly CL was first used online, but people have been searching for the abbreviation since at least 2004, according to Google Trends. This makes sense considering Craigslist was founded in 1995.

Rise in Popularity
There hasn’t been a huge increase in popularity of the abbreviation CL, but there has been a slight increase in Google searches over the past decade.
What was used before CL?
Nothing; people would just say or type “Craigslist” (or they wouldn’t say anything, because Craigslist didn’t always exist).